Day 149 – Tuesday 12/4/18

Tripometer –  15,883 mi

Gas Gauge –  1257.666 gal

Location – Long Point Park and Campground, Melbourne Beach, FL

Lodging – $35

Cans of OFF – 4

Today’s SpaceX launch was postponed until tomorrow. This is an ‘instant launch window,’ meaning that if they miss the launch by so much as a second then it must be postponed by at least 24 hours. Apparently while loading the cargo for the launch they noted that some of the mouse food for an onboard experiment was moldy and needed to be replaced before liftoff. That seems somewhat preposterous but at the same time entirely real-life. Regardless, Kelly was up at the crack of dawn to make her own press release window which launched without issue.

It rained at about 4am last night which cooled things off dramatically versus yesterday. It was still a shorts day, but windy and we were wandering around in fleeces by the early afternoon.

Paul ran some laundry this afternoon in the campground laundry machines and forgot to put a dryer sheet in the dryer. Even the laundry smells of the swamp. We can’t imagine what the locals must do to mitigate the odor in their daily lives. You can buy bottled water for drinking and cooking but who would have thought that the laundry would smell as well?

It was a relatively relaxing day in camp. We enjoyed steaks on the grill and a few glasses of wine for dinner tonight. The Space X launch is still on schedule for tomorrow afternoon so Kelly did a little work ahead of time this evening so that we can take the time to travel north tomorrow to see it.

Special Note: The weather has been so consistently nice that we’ve been mostly barefoot since we arrived in Florida. We’ve noticed that our feet do not have the toughness that we’re accustomed to, most likely due to the fact that for the past couple of months we haven’t been able to go barefoot due to cacti, thorns, nasty desert critters and the like in the desert southwest.

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