Day 145 – Friday 11/30/18

Tripometer –  15,743 mi

Gas Gauge –  1239.387 gal

Location – Sebastian Inlet State Park, Sebastian, FL

Lodging – $25

Cans of OFF – 4


Shorts and t-shirts are the clothes of choice today. We got chased out of our bunks this morning because it was too warm to sleep in the closed up trailer, Halleluiah! Kelly began her work for the day outside with her coffee at the picnic table as Paul packed up the rig to move.

Moving out in the early afternoon we stopped at a restaurant chain called Chicken Salad Chick and were delighted with the food. We’re not sure why this restaurant chain hasn’t made its way north to Baltimore yet, but we’re certain that we’ll be seeing it in our home region shortly. They offer a wide range of different chicken salads, egg salads, and of all things, pimento cheeses served with traditional salad and topped off with homemade cookies (which weren’t the star of the show). That was a pleasant surprise.

We stopped at a Bass Pro Shop in Daytona Beach to grab our fishing licenses and Ranger had his first experience with an elevator. If you have a dog and get the opportunity to take them into an elevator, you should not miss the experience. We’ve done this with most of our dogs at least once and it’s never been boring. Ranger handled it better than some of our past dogs but he reacted in a predictably exaggerated manner when the elevator started moving downward. The real treat in this elevator was the glass windows on one side of the elevator car. We think we blew his mind.

On our drive to Sebastian Inlet Paul noticed an odd looking island near the inlet and zoomed in to find a beautiful looking county campground that didn’t show up in his google searches. We’re definitely going to look into the park a bit further while we’re nearby.

Arriving at Sebastian Inlet just before dark we were blown away by the sunset. The picture above was taken as Paul walked back to the rig after checking in at the camp office. The park appears to be primarily a fishing location and operates on a 24 hour schedule to accommodate enthusiastic fishermen. Driving from the camp office to our campsite we must have passed 50 people fishing from shore along the inlet and the inlet itself had probably 30-40 small boats doing the same thing. The snook are in season and from the activity around the fish cleaning station we can confidently say that fishing is good. We’ve come to the right place!

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