Day 71 – Monday 9/17/18

Tripometer – 8019

Gas Gauge –607.372 gal

Location – Champoeg State Park, Hammond, OR

Lodging – $32

Cans of OFF – 4

Yesterday we got the sun back, today reasonable humidity returned and things are finally thinking about drying out. The inside of the trailer looks like someone strategically placed explosive charges under everything cloth and set it flying about the inside to be snagged by every corner, edge and hook in the place. The mildew smell has gone away but we suspect that’s only because everything that can be unzipped, slid, propped, or thrown ajar is wide open.

It’s Monday in a nice, quiet campground. Kelly and I both got a lot of computer work done… under the awning. Our campsite is positioned underneath a very large oak tree and the number of acorns dropping every minute is somewhere between 5-200 dependent upon the moods of the red squirrels high in the branches. What’s eerie is that you can see them in the trees, but they have no concern for anything going on beneath them. We’re very used to being yelled at by all of the squirrels in our campsite. Not this time. They are clearly too focused on the ripe acorns.

There’s a wonderfully cheap and well stocked farm stand in the middle of our nearest town. We raided this for dinner. Good produce is sometimes hard to find. We have been jumping on a good produce selection when we find it.

Special Note: Poop bags. Poop bags are just a part of a dog owner’s life. We accumulate on average, 1 a day. Where, might you ask do we store these grab bags of filth?

We maintain two garbage cans in the trailer and (when we’re on the ball) one in the car. But these are bags of poop, who wants to store them in the car or the trailer? Our solution to this has been to put them in the windshield gutter on the hood of the car. Now, this is just a temporary solution, they quickly find their way into bags that are being taken to the dumpster or garbage can at the entrance of the campground… most of the time.

The two forgotten poop bags pictured above apparently drove the entire distance from Fort Stevens to Champoeg State Parks, a distance of about 150mi without flying off the hood of the truck. We can now tell anyone that asks about the air speed velocity of two laden poop bags.

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