Day 40 – Friday 8/17/18

Tripometer – 4621 mi

Gas Gauge – 363.427 gal

Location – Loch Leven Campground, Pine Creek, MT

Lodging – $12

Cans of OFF – 4

‘Twas a smoky day in the mountains. The pic above is from the early evening. The smoke had cleared a bit by this time. The smoke was so bad during the day we found that no amount of water could quell the tickly throat and annoying coughs. Everything had a reddish/yellowish tinge.

Paul checked a few more Yellowstone feeder streams during the day today. All were dry as a bone. Some fishing advice, huh? The plan is now to fish the big river. After a good discussion with our next door neighbor “Dutch”, Paul headed to the big river up-stream from the boat launch in search of a fallen tree and rocks to fish around. A 20 yard walk through tall grasses imagining what it will be like to get bit by a rattler, a 5 yard push through woody bushes leaving scratches on upper and lower body alike, and a walk up the river in ankle deep ice water with numb feet didn’t yield any fish but taught Paul the importance of a large casting area for fly fishing. He must have retrieved his fly from the bushes a half dozen times before abandoning fly fishing for spinner fishing. He thinks tomorrow will be a day to leisurely fish near the boat ramp.

In the evening we went into Bozeman for some shopping and to generally be tourists. Had a great root beer float!

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