Day 33 – Friday 8/10/18

Tripometer – 3640 mi

Gas Gauge – 289.142

Location – Red Trail Campground, Medora, ND

Lodging – $38

Cans of OFF – 4


While Kelly worked, Paul ran a few errands in town. One of which was to pick up a package from home at the UPS Customer Care Center. The UPS pickup was his last errand and upon arriving at the UPSCCC at 10:30am he found out that the center didn’t open until 3pm. We had every intention of being on the road before noon but clearly this was not meant to be. At 3pm we were informed that the package was actually delivered to a UPS Store down the street that had been open since 8am. #%&@

The rest of the day was spent driving from Fargo to Medora, ND. Truly one of the most boring drives in North America. Arriving late we struggled for an hour and a half to find a site for the night and settled for a local RV Park at almost midnight.

Side Story: We stopped for pizza for lunch today. A nice crispy cracker crust pizza from a local pizza shop. Ranger almost always gets a bite of whatever human food is being consumed and this case was no different. Apparently he was a little excited and swallowed too fast. Neither Kelly nor I have ever heard a dog whine because he swallowed something too hard, but sure enough Ranger lets out a muffled yelp as he swallows the almost completely unchewed bite of pizza. Here’s hoping someone learned something today about chewing their food.

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