Day 114 – Tuesday 10/30/18

Tripometer – 12,857 mi

Gas Gauge –  963.196 gal

Location – Tombstone RV Park & Campground, AZ

Lodging – $37

Cans of OFF – 4

We have been enjoying the sound of coyotes in the night at this RV park. The property immediately behind the RV park is a large open hillside that we are sure is full of rodents and rabbits that the coyotes hunt in the dark. We hear them carrying on assumedly every time they get a kill, which is sometimes several times a night. It’s almost enjoyable waking up to a dozen yapping howling critters seemingly surrounding the camper. Ranger doesn’t agree.

Today was largely a work day. Kelly pounded away at social media from the front porch of the RV park recreation center while Paul dove into some reading that he’s been putting off.

We went into town tonight after dark to find some food and a drink at one of the saloons in town. We chose Big Nose Kate’s Saloon that is located in the old Grand Hotel on Main Street in Tombstone. Big Nose Kate was Doc Holliday’s girlfriend and features large in the OK Corral story. Tombstone struggled to exist for so long between the historic gun fight and when Hollywood picked up the story making the area an attraction, that most of the original history in these old buildings is gone. Either way, we enjoyed a couple ‘Big Ass Beers,’ a nice dinner (the food was pretty good!), and returned to the trailer for the night.

Falling asleep this evening we kept hearing what could only be a baby goat somewhere in the RV park. The RV park has several campsites set up for people travelling with livestock. The sites on the far side of the park all have large pens and shelters for horses, cattle, or in this case goats? We’re going to have to take a walk down there tomorrow to see the little guy. It certainly sounds adorable from our side of the park. A baby goat’s bleat is a wonderful sound to fall asleep to… if you’re far enough away.

Special Note: Ranger has a new favorite food. He has never been especially food-driven, even going so far as skipping meals because he doesn’t like what he’s been served. At several times during this trip we have had to take detours to specialty pet food stores to find the dog food that we know he’ll eat. Lately we have been buying Oreos for our dessert in the evening. Dessert foods are always a treat that he enjoys, but neither of us expected him to have such a reaction to Oreos. We can’t touch the package at any time during the day or night without him dropping whatever he’s doing (including other treats, toy, naps, or other dogs) to come investigate the sound. Tonight he almost sprained himself and Paul trying to get out of the upper bunk where he was napping when Kelly went for the Oreos. Dog knows you can’t expect us to remember to give him a quarter of an Oreo if he’s not front and center begging for it.

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