Tripometer – 8080
Gas Gauge – 625.372 gal
Location – Champoeg State Park, Hammond, OR
Lodging – $32
Cans of OFF – 4
When we made reservations for our site at Champoeg, we made sure to find a site that no one had reserved for Tuesday night. We were going to grab Tuesday once we firmed up plans with Jen (Paul’s niece) for dinner. Well we didn’t remember to do that until last night and we missed our site. Today we had to drag the rig down about 10 sites. The whole operation only took about 45 min. Once moved, Kelly finished her day of work while Paul & Ranger explored the hiking trails at the campground.
In the evening we drove into Portland to the 15th Ave Hophouse for dinner and drinks with Drew, Jen and their two year old, Susie. The meal was (according to Jen) surprisingly good for the place. On tap they had Hi-Wheel Fizzy Wines, Paul and Jen had the Ginger Lemon. Delicious. Leaving without grabbing a selfie of the group, Paul messaged Jen and asked for a group photo for the blog. You’d think we’d get better about taking pictures as this trip progresses…
Trip Note: Up to this point in the trip we’ve had three major stops – The UP of Michigan, Ely, MN, and Banff / Jasper N.P. Moving forward we see three more major destinations – The SW USA, Southern Louisiana, and Southern Florida. We have been to mid California within the past few years and don’t feel the need to revisit the San Francisco area to include Yosemite / Sequoia N.P. With the exception of Lassen Volcanic National Park in Northern California we are going to be taking the Pacific Coast Highway (Rt 101) south for most of the way to the SW USA.
Special Note: Jayco Travel Trailer Design Flaw: The microwave oven has a rotating plate in the bottom of the oven as most good microwaves these days do. The rotating plate sits on a wire thing-a-ma-job with wheels (most should be familiar with the things, they look like a coat hanger that wants to learn to rollerblade.) Every time we move the trailer the plate jiggles and the roller wheel shifts out of place and every time we get somewhere Paul has to reset the wheels under the plate because Kelly is too short to see the wheel / plate placement. And that’s today’s first-world problem.