Tripometer – 1579 mi
Gas Gauge – 130.848
Location – Monocle Lake State Park, MI
Lodging – $16
We caught the ferry from St. Ignace to Mackinac Island today. To our surprise the ferry and most of the island tourist attractions were open to pets. Mackinac Island was a key player in 18th & 19th century trading at a critical crossroads of the Great Lakes. The small fort built by the British on the island traded hands several times between the English and the Americans. In 1875 Mackinac Island was designated the second National Park following Yellowstone (It was later given to the state of Michigan as its first state park.) More interestingly and pertinent to our visit, automobiles were banned in 1898 making this a car and truck free island.
We enjoyed lunch and a tour of the shops and attractions in the quaint town on the island. Over a hundred years of wealthy tourists and residents have made this island a treasure trove of cool architecture and history. Oh, and fudge. LOTS of fudge. I counted at least five different shops making their own fudge in a 5(?) block long main street! Check out the gardening around the beautiful Victorian mansion.
On the way home we stopped in Bay Mills, MI, a town known now as the home of the Ojibwe Indians. A local casino, several shops, administration buildings and a burial ground. What attracted our eye was not the sign, but rather the unusual wooden gravestones(?) on top of the burial mounds in the Indian cemetery. Take a look.
Ranger posed nicely next to what can only be described as local art. We both thought the mini laker ship next to its companion mini lighthouse was adorable.